Lauder Partners, LLC



Lauder Partners, LLC is an entity investing in various realms of the technology field. We invest both directly in companies as well as in funds - both venture and others. Since it primarily invests the capital of Gary Lauder and family members, we don't provide much information to the public. However here is a bit more:

Areas of current investment interest: companies making radical innovations — not just incremental.  For examples, see portfolio companies. Not content nor programming (so no movies, documentaries, TV shows, games, etc.) Direct investments are only considered for the US and Canada, but the closer to Silicon Valley, the better. Initial investment sizes typically range from $5M to $500K. Sole interest is in investing in companies, not buying them.

For a list of current and past portfolio companies, click here.

For a brief biography, click here.

We do not hire associates, interns nor other investment professionals as employees.

The best way to reach Gary Lauder is via e-mail, not social networks.

My phone # is (650) 323-5700...but I prefer e-mail for "cold calls.”  Note: that is my wireline # (not textable).

The fax # is (650) 323-2171 (please don't waste too many trees)

Perspectives on Patent Reform


Extracurricular Presentations:

1. Gadgetoff 2009 (3 min)
2. TED 2010: (Gary gives us a sign ;-)) (5 min)       Downloads on this subject        Supplemental info on signs
3. Sequel to the above: TEDx Marin 2012: Designing the Future as if Your TIME Mattered (11 minutes)
4. Powering My House From My Car (4 Min.)
5. Kauffman Fellows Graduation Speech (26 minutes)
6. Presentation on patent policy (30 minutes) “If is blocked for you, click here."
7. Eclectic presentation on interplay between IP, COVID & investing (8 minutes)

Wrong Gary Lauder? Here are others who are NOT my alter egos, pastimes or evil twins:
Gary Lauder - Stuntman
Gary Lauder - Firefighter
Gary Lauder - Runner
Gary Lauder - Sewer Activist
Gary Lauder - Fleet Manager
Gary Lauder - Award-winning lawn care environmentalist
Gary Lauder - Eagle Rescuer

Note: these people are OTHER Gary Lauders.
This site's design goals:


Less is more.
-Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Web 0.5 => low latency
One of my 1985 public investments (2 shares) shares this design aesthetic: